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What Classes Should I Take?

Featured Fall 2024 Courses

PORT 300 / Portuguese for Speakers of other Romance Languages / Euridice da Silva

Did you know that Portuguese is the 6th most spoken native language in the world? PORT 300 is a great way to learn the essentials of Portuguese in just one semester. Receive major credit for Language & World Business or LACS!



Map of all countries where Portuguese is used officially: Brazil, Portugal, Cabo Verde, Sao Tome, Angola, Mozambique And places where it’s spoken: South Africa, Senegal, and Equitorial Guinea

Touissant L'Ouverture (Haiti), Gaspar Yanga (Mexico), Movimiento Cimarron (Colombia)

HILA 383 / Afro-Latin America / Beau Gaitors

Latin American culture is tied to certain music (Salsa, Samba), beverages (rum, coffees) and products (tobacco, esp. Cuban cigars)—many of which speak to the role that African descendants have played in the region’s history. This course examines the presence of African descendants in Latin American society from slavery to the present day. In this course we will discuss the countries of Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, and Mexico (among others. ) We will learn about the political activities, diverse religious traditions, cultural practices, and modes of artistic expression of African descendants in Latin America.

HILA/LAC 370 / Latin American History at the (Horror) Movies / Dr. Chad Black

Using films, fiction, and historical sources, this class is an introduction to the history and theory of monsters, ghosts, and the fantastic in Latin America. The focus will be on modern monsters and ghosts — why and how they persist beyond what is supposed to be a rational modernity that replaced the supposed age of superstition. Topics include monster theory, folklore, the uncanny, and the broad question of haunting. Our topic the whole semester will be Latin America and Latin American history, using horror films and criticism as a lens.

Other Courses

Africana Studies

  • ENGL/AFST 226: Introduction to Caribbean Literature
  • ENGL/AFST 336: Polyrhythms in Caribbean Literature


  • ANTH 313: Peoples and Cultures of Mesoamerica (same as LAC 313)
  • ANTH 314: Latinos in the United States
  • ANTH 319: Caribbean Cultures and Societies (same as LAC 319)
  • ANTH 323: Topics in Latin American Ethnography


  • ECON 424: Political Economy of World Development


  • ENGL/AFST 226: Introduction to Caribbean Literature
  • ENGL/AFST 336: Caribbean Literature


  • GEOG 373/LAC 373. Landscapes and Cultures of Latin America


  • HILA 255/LAC 255. Early Latin America and the Caribbean (formerly HIST 255/LAC 251)
  • HILA 256/LAC 256. Modern Latin America and the Caribbean (formerly HIST 256/LAC 252)
  • HILA 343/LAC 341. History of Mexico (formerly HIST 343/LAC 343)
  • HILA 344/LAC 342. History of Brazil (formerly HIST344/LAC 344)
  • HILA 360/ LAC 362. History of Early Latin America (formerly HIST 360/LAC 360)
  • HILA 361/LAC 363. History of Modern Latin America (formerly HIST 363/LAC 363)
  • HILA 383/LAC 383. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean History
  • HILA 450/LAC 450. Slavery in the Early Americas
  • HILA 464/LAC 462. The Spanish Conquest (formerly LAC 464)
  • HILA 465/LAC 463. Gender and Sexuality in Early Latin America (formerly HIST 465/LAC 466)
  • HILA 484/LAC 475. Studies in Latin American and Caribbean History (formerly HIST 475/LAC 475)

Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures

  • PORT 300: Portuguese for Speakers of Another Romance Language
  • PORT 301: Cultural Readings in Portuguese
  • PORT 303: Highlights of Brazilian Civilization
  • PORT 309: Intermediate Conversation and Composition
  • PORT 315: Aspects of Luso-Brazilian Literature
  • PORT 326: Brazilian Cinema (same as CNST 326)
  • SPAN 323: Upper-level Grammar and Composition
  • SPAN 331: Introduction to Hispanic Culture (same as Latin American and Caribbean Studies 331)
  • SPAN 333: Survey of Spanish-American Literature, 1700 to Present
  • SPAN 334: Survey of Hispanic Literatures, Beginnings-1700
  • SPAN 350: Spanish for Medical & Healthcare Professions
  • PORT 430: Contemporary Brazilian Studies
  • PORT 432: Topics in the Literature and Culture of the Portuguese-speaking World
  • SPAN 401: Cultural Plurality and Institutional Changes in Latin America (same as LAC 401)
  • SPAN 402: Latin American and Caribbean Studies Seminar (Same as LAC 402)
  • SPAN 465: Latin American Film and Culture (Same as LAC 465)
  • SPAN 479: Disenchanted Texts in Hispanic Literature
  • SPAN 494S: Service Learning in Spanish


  • MUCO 423: Musics of Latin America
  • MUEN 311: Afro-Diasporic Percussion Ensemble

Political Science

  • POLI 456: Latin American Government and Politics

Religious Studies

  • REST 356. Rastafari and Afro-Caribbean Religions

Students regularly petition for courses to be counted for LAC credit. Complete the form below to see if your class will count.

  • Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 2 GB.